You're a GENIUS!!!
~ Pete
(LOL. You are really too kind, Pete. I think you are pretty special, yourself ;-)
xoxo, Lil
~ Pete
(LOL. You are really too kind, Pete. I think you are pretty special, yourself ;-)
xoxo, Lil
Lileighwhite.com |
![]() You're a GENIUS!!! ~ Pete (LOL. You are really too kind, Pete. I think you are pretty special, yourself ;-) xoxo, Lil
1 Comment
![]() Hello Lileigh: I bought Genesis Revisited II last June, and it's fantastic; way better than today's pop music. I never get tired of listening because of Steve's refreshed playing including the beautiful acoustics on the last two Foxtrot tracks. I'm sure you know what they are ;--). Still have to buy the first GR, and some other solo albums by Steve. Besides Genesis, are you into any other prog bands? Mine are Yes, Rush, Dream Theater, Muse, Alan Parsons and Porcupine Tree/Steven Wilson. Will you be broadcasting on the 40th anniversary of the Lamb? What a year 1974 was. Also this year will mark 40 years of the Yes album Relayer, (released over one week after Lamb), Rush's debut, Rick Wakeman's Journey to the Centre of the Earth and Supertramp's Crime of the Century. BTW, you look young and lovely in those photos, and meeting Peter and Steve had to be a joy for you. All the best and keep up the terrific work. Take care, Randy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hi, Randy! Yes, what a year it was...1974. I was 14 and just being introduced to portions of all the Progressive Rock albums you named, above, via New York City's silky-voiced nighttime female DJ - Alison Steele "The Nightbird" on WNEW-FM. She was my inspiration to go into Radio, as a career...which led to my several decades in Television. I agree it was, to us in free-form radio & progressive music, Halcyon Days of musical exploration - nearly free of corporate-controlled artists and their creative output. People like Steve Hackett..and Peter Gabriel...and, yes, even Phil Collins (remember the searingly great stuff out of Brand X days?!?) could create things outside the purview of the stilted & time-constircted Top 40 playlists - and STILL be popular with/to us? Of course, of course you can lump in there everyone from Yes to ELP to Gentle Giant to Genesis to Renaissance to (and the list goes on ;-) It was OUR time...as fleeting as it was: it belonged to us. As for Genesis: Revisited II...it was (and still is!) the right time for it. God bless Steve Hackett for continuing to be the Standard Bearer for this beloved music, for us. He really loves doing his own solo music..he has every right to (for he is very, very gifted and prolific in composing his own works). But, he realizes that we all love it so...and that the magically layered, mystically lyric'd and outrageously-complex early-Genesis compositions still means the world to us who bonded to it, in our younger years. He wants to bring it up-to-date, into the wondrously potent world of modern-day technology and presentation. (Something that the other original members of Genesis never had the opportunity of doing, in a full beginning-to-end concert, given their other highly-different styles). Although it is quite likely we will never see the original line-up do this early era, again, in person..its a superlative show. The younger musicians he's assembled for the continuing WorldWide GR II Tour are quite exceptional, as well. They do a very fine job at recapturing what is the core essence of the early-Genesis. As for your compliment to my pictures (with Peter and with Steve)...I blush as I thank you, most sincerely, for your kindness. I had hoped to radiate outwards all the joy of the inward listening to their gifts of music for the last 38 years. The Music kept me company during many hours of loneliness and trying times. And, I believe this to be true for most all of us. We wrapped ourselves in it...its visuals portrayed via historic fables, socio-political satire and witty-barbs were tremendously amusing..as well as romantic. A delight, all the way 'round. As are everyone's comments who take the time to write to me, here, at my humble little website. Thank you for doing so, Randy.....it made me smile, today. Xoxo, Lil P.S. - I adore Muse and Rush...as for the Dream Theatre boys - I've only listened to their stuff with Tony Levin (Liquid Tension Experiment...which stood my long hair out on end! That is COMPLEX!!!). Still need to get into the talented Steve Wilson and Porcupine Tree's work...when I get more time. Heard so many good things! ;-) ![]() Hi Lil I often return to your website to get updates on the interesting Genesis-related info here. I have even forwarded gear info to the keyboardist and guitarists I work with when we do concerts of classic Genesis music. Very informative. Thank you! It's been awhile since we connected via Youtube and lots has happened for me and I'm sure for you as well. I was speaking to someone about our recent concert of Genesis (we have done two shows, the recent being Sept 2013) and since we posted the live audio of the concert I thought I would pass on the link of Lilywhite Lilith. Enjoy! https://soundcloud.com/theundoingband/lilywhite-lilith-performed-by We also posted several others from the concert as well on our Soundcloud page: https://soundcloud.com/theundoingband/ Best regards Jason Dionne www.the-undoing.ca www.facebook.com/TheUndoing.Canada www.youtube.com/user/TheUndoingCanada ~~~~~~~~~~ Hi, Jason...so good to hear from you guys, again...and HEAR the incredibly delicious & tight live renditions of so many early-Genesis favorites you've been performing, up in Vancouver. I'm listening to your version of "The Knife" (another one of my absolute early-Genesis Favs), having enjoyed your performance "LilyWhiteLilith" with its truly impressive vocals, harmonies and guitar licks. (LISTEN TO "The Knife" BY CLICKING ON THE PICTURE OF THE UNDOING, ABOVE!) Really, really excellent stuff !!! I haven't gotten through the entire "Royal Beast" concert set list, yet, but the guitar and keyboard solos on "The Knife" are KILLER! I think they are quite representative of how much talent..and how much WORK has gotten into your superlative project!! Congratulations, my friends....CONGRATULATIONS!!! All my best to you guys for helping to truly keep The Music Alive (and KICKING) !!!! Xoxo, Lil P.S. ~ For all you curious as to who The Undoing are...here you go: About The Undoing A Canadian band formed in 2012 and based in Vancouver, The Undoing was created for the sole purpose of performing in concert settings for the ultimate enjoyment of both musicians and audience. Directed by Jason Dionne, band members and instrumentation for each concert may vary depending on performance requirements. September 15 2012 was the date of their debut performance titled “The Cinema Show: Music of Classic Genesis” which was a two hour concert of Genesis music recorded in the 1970’s in homage to Peter Gabriel, Tony Banks, Michael Rutherford, Phil Collins and Steve Hackett and to recognize a band whose career has spanned four decades, whose individual solo careers continue to this day, and whose influence continues to permeate the genre of progressive music. See Event Page for more info: www.facebook.com/events/325363500885192/ September 14 2013 And because you requested it The Undoing returned in full vigor to perform another dynamic and energetic retrospective concert of classic Genesis music from the 1970’s. This was a whole new show and was titled "The Return of the Royal Beast: Music of Classic Genesis". With full sound and stage lighting this was a sonic and visual feast for all who attended. The Undoing took you once again on another epic journey into the classic melodic meanderings and musical magic of the seminal and iconic band Genesis. See Event Page for more info: www.facebook.com/events/408205139293299/ Far from being a “tribute” band, The Undoing have other musical tastes to explore and are currently preparing for the next creative venture. So stay tuned to this frequency… |
AuthorLileighWhiteLilith...she's gonna take you through the Tunnel of Night.... Archives
April 2014
Analysis: Chamber of 32 Doors - Part 1 YouTube: http://youtu.be/wUYoeUeg-r8 Analysis: Chamber of 32 Doors - Part 2 YouTube: http://youtu.be/eJfgDEE8BQI Analysis: Chamber of 32 Doors -Part 3 YouTube: http://youtu.be/piueJ_0N-Kk Analysis: Tom Lord-Alge & the Chamber of 32 Doors (alternate version of Part 1/Tom's intro) YouTube: http://youtu.be/CMOmxytrP5s http://www.lileighwhite.com/ *FOR SERIOUS LAMB FANATICS ONLY !!!* An Analysis of the many allegorical layers, written by Peter Gabriel, within the pivotal song "The Chamber of 32 Doors" on the original Lamb Lies Down on Broadway album. Jungian Archetype Theory, The Power of Myth's Hero's Journey and the Tibetan Book of the Dead provide the framework with which Gabriel wrote of his pending decision to leave Genesis. Add onto that the visual work of "El Topo" director Alejandro Jodorowsky, as Peter's inspiration - and you have one, very serious surrealistic work of art. WARNING/ADVISORY: This trilogy of videos are DEEP (because these metaphysical/psychoanalytical works were what Peter Gabriel had been reading up until the uber-rushed writing of The Lamb)! Although, he claims the lyrics are flawed - many still consider it a layered work of genius. Part Surrealism, Part Metaphysical, Part Self Psychoanalytical. These videos are the result of 2 years of intense research and many contributions by many people (several, quite close to Peter Gabriel & Genesis). As Tony Robinson wrote for the 1970-1975 Genesis Box Set: "It's a mistake to think of the narrative as only having one meaning because every listener must create their own personal story." This trilogy's analysis is not set in concrete. It is meant to elucidate upon the metaphysical texts by which Peter was reaching to obtain his own new pathway (out of the band and into his own solo career, away from "Genesis-the-Big")....as well as start new discussions as to what the album meant to YOU, the listener. From all of us who collaborated on these videos....ENJOY!! |