I thought that I had an ear. My God! You are definitely right for your profession.
Lileigh, When you closed your eyes in sonic-induced pleasure at Tony Banks cross-handed keyboard opening, in your YouTube video, I couldnt help but smile and involuntarily tear up. Your obvious love for the music was transparent and I was momentarily transported back to the days when listening to this song was a transcendental experience. Thanks for that. I thought that I had an ear. My God! You are definitely right for your profession. - Bozz What can I say, Bozz? * knowing smile & understanding lift of shoulders* Who among us (who came of age, during the time of The Lamb) can keep the beating of our hearts, within their same steady rhythms, when we hear Tony's hands rapidly dispensing that haunting, repetitive opening arpeggio of its Title Track? For me, hearing it...after years of being away...funneled such diametric feelings of intense joy & realized loss (re-discovery vs. that which time can never give back) - and I think that is what you can all see drift over my face throughout my Lamb (and Supper's Ready) series. You are literally seeing me (and my heart) stretch for God's Elastic Acre...(and I am glad I transported you, as well, along with me). *misty, appreciative eyes* xoxo Lil
Hi Lileigh,
Just wanted to thank you for all of those enormously informative and entertaining analysis videos and your interviews as well. Please keep them coming and never stop. Randy Dearest Randy ~ ...your words of praise mean the World to me (since, in many ways, your exemplary work served as the catalyst for my "re-entry" back to the early Genesis music, which I loved so dearly as a teenager) This led me to the Archive, which led me to the Shrine...which led me to The Musical Box...which led me to all my equally-fanatical, truly gifted collaborators (Tom Lord-Alge, Steve Hackett, Analog Mike Piera and Dave Kerzner). I just returned an hour ago from Montreal - where I took in the final TMB Lamb concert of this tour (which will re-resume in the late Fall) - in the Canadien's hockey arena - The Bell Centre ...with over 4,000 hometown fans cheering them home. It was a sight to see...and lovely to meet such talent as Serge Morissette, Jack Beerman and Martin Levac after the show. It's a small world..this one you've helped to promulgate, my dear friend. As long as I keep getting the thoughtful, supportive (and tremendously appreciated, on my part) responses that are (like yours) sent my way - I promise to keep producing the informative and in-depth features that come of being both a severe Genesis/Gabriel devotee ..and former TV News professional. It seems, like you, I can't help but follow along the path which keeps unfolding in new and completely surprising ways! *radiant All my most sincere gratitude, Xoxo LiLeigh hi, Lileigh -
i just want to know if im crazy or this was you at bell center this (past) friday 19/05/12? i was sitting in section 155 and u where in 117. i am right??? can u add me on your facebook page if u have one and btw i see most of your video love it... sorry about my spelling i usually speak french regards, Mario (Genesis fan too!!!) Hello, dear Mario - YES...it was me who you saw, that night at the Bell Center - seeing The Musical Box and their final LLDOB of this tour (along with all of you wonderfully devoted Canadian Genesis/Lamb fans)! My collaborator, Grammy Award winner Tom Lord-Alge (Peter Gabriel's re-mix engineer of choice), our Lamb friends and I drove up from NY to see the band, playing to their hometown crowd in Montreal - after seeing TMB perform the LLDOB approx. 30 times (between us), this past year. And, we wouldn't have missed it for the world! I wish you had come over and said "Bonjour, LILeigh White Lilith" (for I would have certainly given you a hug for doing so!) We hope you enjoyed the show as much as we did ;-) Xoxo, Lil Hey, I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed the Genesis videos on your channel. What a great find for a fan like me!
Thank you. Eyal Amir Lil responds, with a smile: Believe me, Eyal...the enjoyment is all mine, my dear ! *wink* ![]() (ABOVE) Peter Gabriel's re-mix engineer of choice (and fellow Lamb fanatic) Tom Lord-Alge with Lil, TMB's Sebastien Lamothe (Musical Director/Mike Rutherford) with TMB Artistic Director/Historic Curator - Serge Morissette - in Montreal...following final LLDOB concert. (LEFT) Legendary recording engineers Tom and Chris Lord-Alge, their brother Jeff Alge and Lil...outside the TMB concert at Tribeca PAC, in NYC. |
AuthorLileighWhiteLilith...she's gonna take you through the Tunnel of Night.... Archives
April 2014