Hi, Lileigh ~
Found The Lamb at the age of 22, now 43, and just discovered this site - THANK YOU so very much for adding a wonderful dimension to something so very intimate and important to me. You are A STAR!
- Justin
Hello, my "young" friend, Justin ! *grin*
You are MY star for gravitating towards an essential segment of progressive rock - which is remains unparalleled, in our combined history - at an age when the rest of Genesis had already swung (widely) to the Pop!
That you, in the early-1990's, saw past all that pop-gunk..and found your way to the TRUE Genesis of the Gabriel/Hackett era is incredibly impressive.
I laud you, my dear...I do!!
That my video work inspires people who also love this music, as intimately as me, is what keeps my creative fires stoked (to film and produce more ;-).
May you never lose that wondrous ability to look beyond the box that the commercial recording industry seems to want to ship us all out to the Walmarts and Kmarts, of the the world, within.
Have a very safe, enjoyable and Golden Globe-filled Holiday season, ok?
xoxo, Lil
Found The Lamb at the age of 22, now 43, and just discovered this site - THANK YOU so very much for adding a wonderful dimension to something so very intimate and important to me. You are A STAR!
- Justin
Hello, my "young" friend, Justin ! *grin*
You are MY star for gravitating towards an essential segment of progressive rock - which is remains unparalleled, in our combined history - at an age when the rest of Genesis had already swung (widely) to the Pop!
That you, in the early-1990's, saw past all that pop-gunk..and found your way to the TRUE Genesis of the Gabriel/Hackett era is incredibly impressive.
I laud you, my dear...I do!!
That my video work inspires people who also love this music, as intimately as me, is what keeps my creative fires stoked (to film and produce more ;-).
May you never lose that wondrous ability to look beyond the box that the commercial recording industry seems to want to ship us all out to the Walmarts and Kmarts, of the the world, within.
Have a very safe, enjoyable and Golden Globe-filled Holiday season, ok?
xoxo, Lil