Hello Lil
I was at the Steve Hackett Oct 3rd 2013 concert in Montreal
and I think I recognised you outside the hall after the show.
- were you there?
If indeed it was you , let me compliment you on your absolute stunning beauty .
I love your videos, they are very informative as I am a Genesis freak myself
thank you for your passion
Bonjour, encore, mon ami Alain ~
Oui! c'était moi a' la place de Arts, assister a' concert, a' Montreal!
Yes! That was me at the Place De Arts, for Steve's stunning and well-attended show, in Montreal !
Vous honorez-moi, mon cher un...
You honor me ....
Avec mon coeur, plein de gratitude vrai, je n'oublierai jamais vos mots doux a' moi !
My passion is yours....
Xoxo, Lil
I was at the Steve Hackett Oct 3rd 2013 concert in Montreal
and I think I recognised you outside the hall after the show.
- were you there?
If indeed it was you , let me compliment you on your absolute stunning beauty .
I love your videos, they are very informative as I am a Genesis freak myself
thank you for your passion
Bonjour, encore, mon ami Alain ~
Oui! c'était moi a' la place de Arts, assister a' concert, a' Montreal!
Yes! That was me at the Place De Arts, for Steve's stunning and well-attended show, in Montreal !
Vous honorez-moi, mon cher un...
You honor me ....
Avec mon coeur, plein de gratitude vrai, je n'oublierai jamais vos mots doux a' moi !
My passion is yours....
Xoxo, Lil