Stumbled across your videos on Youtube. Very deep analysis.
I just recently discovered Lamb and devour anything I can about it.
Best album ever? Do I need to ask??!
- Erich
Hellay, Hellay, dear Erich!
So very glad you have recently become a "Lamb Lover" (like the rest of us)!
Yes, The Lamb has been known to get under one's skin...and stay embedded in your creative, intellectual consciousness - for a very long time.
For those of us who have known (and studied it) since 1974/75 - it tends to re-emerge in our individual psyche's in the most unique and wondrous fashions.
I have my video series, analyzing the historical takes of its back-meanings (which I had to grown long into adulthood to truly come close to understanding)...and there are many other artists or just plain folks who have it come to the forefront in wondrously creative ways!
<==== Click here and you will see Pop artist Patrick Zoller's YouTube video (on HIS artistic imaginings, based on the iconic Hipgnosis cover artwork of The Lamb) Hope you enjoy!
With sincere gratitude, Xoxo ~ Lil