Comment From Kevin ~
I had heard that the instrumentals were complete on the Lamb when Gabriel went in and added the vocals.
I had heard that the instrumentals were complete on the Lamb when Gabriel went in and added the vocals.
Do you know if the original tapes without vocals survived?
Reply from Lileigh ~
Yes, Kevin...they do exist in their original forms - isolated in their pure 24-channel masters at Genesis' home studio The Farm.
We now know this from what Sebastien Lamothe, from TMB, said in his interview with me (currently up on YouTube/Vimeo under the keywords: "Analysis The Musical Box Part 2".)
TMB needed to discern what each musician was doing exactly, note-for-note, during each one of the Lamb's songs - in order to do a faithful re-creation of the LLDOB. Since there were no original music composition sheets ever written out for The Lamb - Tony Banks invited them there to listen & break it down for themselves (with, I would suspect, some MIDI compositional technology).
This means that the original master tracks still exist (which was also obvious from all the digital upgrade work that Nick Davis did with the Lamb, later on).
Thus, if you ran it through a regular recording studio board, using standard signal-path routing & could mix out Peter's vocal track(s) and you would have the pure thing, instrumentally (BUT - with none of the original Island Studio mix-down or "wetted" effects - I must point out!)
I'm told that Mike Rutherford's son - Harry - now probably has the responsibility for overseeing all those early (and later) master track recordings....and I pray he guards them with every fiber of his being, as I would, be me in his position! LOLOL