New Comments:
Gabble Ratchet
Thanks, I enjoyed these analyses. I just wish that the sleeve notes from the archive box set had been straight about the amount of re-recording. It's not like they didn't have enough space.
I'm sure you'll enjoy the Musical Box.
Do you know about the Watch? (Given that you have a section with Italian subtitles, you probably have.) They are also in the USA this Autumn with the Selling England show. I don't think they are going anywhere near Phoenix, AZ. But catch them if you can. Or check out the live version of Stagnation from the last tour.
LiLeigh answers:
Hi, Gabble.
I tend to agree with you as to the way Genesis (and Peter Gabriel) decided to market the Archive 1 Collection. In reading up on what they decided to put in the Liner Notes (Tony Bank's intro section to The Lamb at the Shrine concert recording) and what is floating around on the internet from did not seem to be exactly forthright as to the amount and depth of the re-tracking/restoration process. Of course, hindsight is 20/20..and it's so easy to be an "armchair quarterback" - but, should it have be put out, today - I would have loved to have seen in marketed as a "Rare Re-unification of the Superlative 5" early Genesis members (circa 1972-1975). Or "Superstar vocalists Gabriel & Collins rejoin with their fellow members of that uber-original & talented group, known as early Genesis, to restore and release an historic live recording of their Cult Classic Rock Opera Lamb Lies Down on Broadway". A little wordy, I know...but, marketed in the correct way - it could have been welcomed as a rare Hybrid of artistic and technical achievement. A labor of love mounted by two incredibly talented but competing production houses (Real World Studios & Genesis' The Farm, with Nick Davis at the editing helm) - to release a piece of history. A rare coming-together of very separate corporate entities - all to present a veritable "What It Would Have Sounded Like If Gabriel & Genesis Toured The Lamb in 2007."*sigh* But, alas...that tour never materialized in that design. So, all we have left of that dream team - is the incredibly, painstakingly well-crafted Archive 1 restoration of the Shrine.Something (albeit small) to be re-joiced in...and recognized as a singular, rare work - unto itself.And, this, dearest Gabble (and everyone else who might chance to read this commentary) is the very premise and foundation of what my Analysis: Lamb Lies Down on Broadway series is all about. xoxo Lil (P.S. - I will be on the lookout for The Watch, thanks for the tip! As of this date, I am set to attend FOUR of the Musical Box's "Lamb" concerts : L.A.'s LaMirada, Phoenix, both nights at the Keswick Theatre, in Philly.
Gabble Ratchet
Thanks, I enjoyed these analyses. I just wish that the sleeve notes from the archive box set had been straight about the amount of re-recording. It's not like they didn't have enough space.
I'm sure you'll enjoy the Musical Box.
Do you know about the Watch? (Given that you have a section with Italian subtitles, you probably have.) They are also in the USA this Autumn with the Selling England show. I don't think they are going anywhere near Phoenix, AZ. But catch them if you can. Or check out the live version of Stagnation from the last tour.
LiLeigh answers:
Hi, Gabble.
I tend to agree with you as to the way Genesis (and Peter Gabriel) decided to market the Archive 1 Collection. In reading up on what they decided to put in the Liner Notes (Tony Bank's intro section to The Lamb at the Shrine concert recording) and what is floating around on the internet from did not seem to be exactly forthright as to the amount and depth of the re-tracking/restoration process. Of course, hindsight is 20/20..and it's so easy to be an "armchair quarterback" - but, should it have be put out, today - I would have loved to have seen in marketed as a "Rare Re-unification of the Superlative 5" early Genesis members (circa 1972-1975). Or "Superstar vocalists Gabriel & Collins rejoin with their fellow members of that uber-original & talented group, known as early Genesis, to restore and release an historic live recording of their Cult Classic Rock Opera Lamb Lies Down on Broadway". A little wordy, I know...but, marketed in the correct way - it could have been welcomed as a rare Hybrid of artistic and technical achievement. A labor of love mounted by two incredibly talented but competing production houses (Real World Studios & Genesis' The Farm, with Nick Davis at the editing helm) - to release a piece of history. A rare coming-together of very separate corporate entities - all to present a veritable "What It Would Have Sounded Like If Gabriel & Genesis Toured The Lamb in 2007."*sigh* But, alas...that tour never materialized in that design. So, all we have left of that dream team - is the incredibly, painstakingly well-crafted Archive 1 restoration of the Shrine.Something (albeit small) to be re-joiced in...and recognized as a singular, rare work - unto itself.And, this, dearest Gabble (and everyone else who might chance to read this commentary) is the very premise and foundation of what my Analysis: Lamb Lies Down on Broadway series is all about. xoxo Lil (P.S. - I will be on the lookout for The Watch, thanks for the tip! As of this date, I am set to attend FOUR of the Musical Box's "Lamb" concerts : L.A.'s LaMirada, Phoenix, both nights at the Keswick Theatre, in Philly.