L.D. ~
Wow! One of the few credits to womankind out there (I'm sorry to say) and a credit to the human race. Pretty, talented, and with good taste to boot. If you have a husband, he's a lucky man.
Lil :
Hey, L.D....
How's it going?
*grin..and, I mean a BIG grin...as in ear-to-ear, big grin!*
I appreciate those lovely compliments you've slung my way...I really do. *genuine smile, which then turns to a slight look of concern*
It's "that bad" out there (women-wise), eh? *sad shaking of head*
Nah, I guess I can answer that question, myself. *slight smirk*
Sometimes I am forced to hang out with other women (which often ends up making my ears wanna bleed! *wince*)...and, I just want to surrender to my growing impulse to just whack 'em across the face to knock some SENSE (and better taste) into 'em!
So, I am with you, brother....I am with you on that surmise. ;-)
Speaking of siblings, I grew up with 5 brothers. Worked 30 years in male-dominated industry...(with no probs, at all, btw...except for the occasional male co-worker or two fighting over who would get to date me if I wasn't married, at the time. LOL). So, I guess that explains a lot.
Glad I can hang out here, with all of you guys...rather than have to put up with all that Beyonce, Katy Perry, Kei$ha bullchit that a majority of the modern-day female is into, right?
I appreciate you not only letting me do so...but, leaving such validating messages about the series, to boot.
Made my day, I tell you..to find some more postings to my new blog.
Thank you!
It's amazing how something as basic as a common love for music (or not) can dictate the success/failure of a relationship.
But, I appreciate your asking/probing...in your own way. *chuckle*
You take care, y'hear?
xo Lil
Wow! One of the few credits to womankind out there (I'm sorry to say) and a credit to the human race. Pretty, talented, and with good taste to boot. If you have a husband, he's a lucky man.
Lil :
Hey, L.D....
How's it going?
*grin..and, I mean a BIG grin...as in ear-to-ear, big grin!*
I appreciate those lovely compliments you've slung my way...I really do. *genuine smile, which then turns to a slight look of concern*
It's "that bad" out there (women-wise), eh? *sad shaking of head*
Nah, I guess I can answer that question, myself. *slight smirk*
Sometimes I am forced to hang out with other women (which often ends up making my ears wanna bleed! *wince*)...and, I just want to surrender to my growing impulse to just whack 'em across the face to knock some SENSE (and better taste) into 'em!
So, I am with you, brother....I am with you on that surmise. ;-)
Speaking of siblings, I grew up with 5 brothers. Worked 30 years in male-dominated industry...(with no probs, at all, btw...except for the occasional male co-worker or two fighting over who would get to date me if I wasn't married, at the time. LOL). So, I guess that explains a lot.
Glad I can hang out here, with all of you guys...rather than have to put up with all that Beyonce, Katy Perry, Kei$ha bullchit that a majority of the modern-day female is into, right?
I appreciate you not only letting me do so...but, leaving such validating messages about the series, to boot.
Made my day, I tell you..to find some more postings to my new blog.
Thank you!
It's amazing how something as basic as a common love for music (or not) can dictate the success/failure of a relationship.
But, I appreciate your asking/probing...in your own way. *chuckle*
You take care, y'hear?
xo Lil